الرسايل العلمية لقسم التمريض النفسى والصحة النفسية
المسلسل | الأسم | رسالة ماجستير بعنوان | التاريخ |
1 | أ.م.د/ نجيه إبراهيم حسن | Assessment of knowledge and reactions towards sexuality and sex education among first year university students of Suez canal university in port said. | 1997 |
2 | د/ أمل عوض عبد النبي | Challenges and learning issues facing nursing students during their psychiatric nursing clinical experience. | 2007 |
3 | د/ هبه شفيق محمد | Effect of remotivation therapy on depression among residents of elderly homes. | 2008 |
4 | م.م/ أسماء محمود عمران | Depression, burden, and self-efficacy among parents of children with cancer. | 2017 |
5 | م.م/ محمد أحمد أبو كحله | Psychoeducational needs and caregiving burden among families of patients with psychotic disorders. | 2018 |
6 | م.م/ نادية وحيد الزهيري | Relationship between ego resilience, perceived stress, and life satisfaction among faculty of nursing students, Damanhour university. | 2016 |
7 | م.م/ هبة عبد الحميد حماد | Patients’ and health care providers’ perception of and attitudes towards the use of music as therapy in psychiatric hospitals. | 2017 |
8 | م.م/ إيمان عسران محمد | Impact of psychological stress and mental wellbeing on psychiatric nurses. | 2016 |
9 | م.م/ أميمه محمد إبراهيم | Relationship between motivation, empowerment and severity of negative symptoms among patients with schizophrenia. | 2019 |
10 | أ/ إيمان حليم عبد المنعم | Internalized stigma of psychiatric illness among patient with schizophrenia: its nature and relationship with self-seem, hope and social support. | 2017 |
المسلسل | الأسم | رسالة الدكتوراة بعنوان | التاريخ |
1 | أ.م.د/ نجيه إبراهيم حسن | Impact of two stress reduction techniques on student nurses’ level of stress. | 2007 |
2 | د/ أمل عوض عبد النبي | Assertiveness skills and social anxiety of schizophrenic patients: the effect of an assertiveness training program. | 2011 |
3 | د/ هبه شفيق محمد | Attachment styles, emotional needs and empowerment among community dwelling elders: A correlational study. | 2014 |